Sustainability library

Storebrand has produced environmental reports since 1995 and sustainability reports since 1999. Since 2008, sustainability reporting has been integrated into our annual report and audited by third parties. Storebrand follows the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines for reporting.

ESG reports, policies and guidelines:

Sustainability at the core

Read more about our group sustainability work  and our sustainable investments here.

Looking for more?

Reports and documents from previous years are available in our document archive.


If you have any questions about our sustainable reports, guidelines, policies or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact our sustainability team on e-mail:

Margrethe Assev

Amanda Selhammer

Martin Boger

Andreas Krohg Stabell

Transparency inquires

For further details related to our work on human rights and decent working conditions, please contact our press and media department.

Storebrand will handle all inquiries in accordance with the Norwegian Transparency Act.