Guidelines for Sustainability

Work on climate, nature, social conditions and corporate governance is central to our business, investments, products and operations. Our sustainability principles, guidelines and reporting systems governs this practice.

Guiding principles

Storebrand focuses on sustainability, both in our products, services and in our cooperation with suppliers and partners. This is fundamental to the Group’s strategy and brand. The following principles form the basis for Storebrand’s work within sustainability:

The principles are: 

  • We aim for our business activities to contribute to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals 
    (SDG), as well as related international and commitments made by the authorities of the countries we operate in. 
  • We prioritise our work on selected SDGs that we can make a significant impact on, and that  significantly impact us.
  • We help our customer to make more sustainable choices, through the services and products we offer.
  • We are a responsible employer.
  • We take sustainability into account in all processes and decisions – from overall responsibility by  board and executive management, to execution by individual managers and employees.
  • We collaborate with customers, suppliers, authorities and partners in our efforts to achieve  sustainability.
  • We are transparent about both our sustainability efforts and the results we achieve.

Guidelines for Sustainable Investments

Storebrand works systematically to invest in companies that contribute positively to sustainable development. Our long-term vision for the year 2050 is a world where nine billion people live well, and within the earth’s natural limits. In addition to Storebrand Sustainable Investment policy, we have Storebrand Exclusion Policy

Our Exclusion policy is based on the assumption that the companies which contribute to solving societal problems in a sustainable way, will also be the most profitable in the long term. Storebrand's Exclusion policy shall help to ensure our clients’ future returns. Established in 2005, Storebrand's Exclusion policy applies to all of Storebrand’s internally managed funds and pension portfolios.

This policy describes what kind of companies we do not wish to invest in, and is approved by the corporate executive management of Storebrand ASA. 

Guidelines for compliance and sustainable practices in operations

Guidelines for compliance and sustainable practices in operations are available in our Sustainability Library.

Sustainability Reports

Storebrand has produced environmental reports since 1995 and sustainability reports based on the Triple Bottom Line (finance, social responsibility and the environment) since 1999. Since 2008, sustainability reporting has been integrated into our annual report and audited by third parties. Please visit our Sustainability Library for the latest reports.